Sunday, August 24, 2014

Selfie - by Darren maurer

5" x 7"
Instead of "taking" a selfie with my cell phone today I painted a selfie. I have sketched a few self portraits with graphite pencil but I can't remember painting one before. Earlier this year I was complaining to my wife, ShLoe, that I couldn't see well enough to paint the fine details on my paintings. She suggested trying a set of reader glasses and it made a huge difference. So now I wear reader glasses when I paint. The problem is I see fine normally during the day so when I have the glasses on I can't see my computer monitor that I use for my reference material. So when I paint I am always raising and lowering the glasses. Maybe I will get used to it someday? When ShLoe saw this self portrait her first comment was, "You don't look very happy." I said, "It is supposed to be a brooding artist thing but the truth is I'm not happy because I need readers now."

1 comment:

  1. amazing this blog Thanks very much for sharing. This has certainly inspired me to give custom oil painting portraits
