Sunday, August 10, 2014

Pencil Eraser - by Darren Maurer

5" x 7"

People always ask, "How do you get your ideas?". The creative part of my life is a series of experiments, discoveries, and hopefully progression of knowledge about painting. Knowledge working in combination with an intense curiosity of my daily surroundings makes me look for subjects that will make a piece of art. A life in art is more of a non-stop work in progress and, as you paint, you are able to decide what to paint. One painting leads to another. Sometimes I'm on a roll and produce dozens of pieces of work in a few weeks and at other times the ideas don't come so easy. I saw this pencil sitting on my drafting table in my studio this week and noticed the metal ferrule that connects the pencil to the eraser and how reflective it looked. I wanted to make a painting that focused on that part of the pencil. My wife, ShLoe, saw the finished painting and asked if she could have it to sit on her desk at school. This one is isn't available.....sorry!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:58 AM

    I love this, Darren!! I need one for the desk at MY school, too... :)

    Amy Anderson
