Cracked Egg - by Darren Maurer
5" x 7"
For the past several months I have been getting together with a friend and painting about once a month. The last time we met I didn't realize we were going to be painting until it was getting close to 7 o'clock. I had to come up with a subject fast. I grabbed an egg out of the refrigerator and decided I would crack it open and whatever it looked like is what I would paint. Usually every painting is a struggle at some point during the process. Every so often a painting will go really well without problems or issues. This was one of those that went very smoothly with only one very small problem area that was easily corrected. I painted about 90% of this at my friend's studio and finished in my studio after it had a chance to slightly dry. Painting a raw egg is a fun challenge and the yellow color of an egg yolk is amazing.
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